The Tenth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Arrive Any More Than Ten Minutes Before The Interview

Here’s scene for you:


A clock reads 2:10 pm. A MAN sits in a chair in front of a desk. His
VP looms above from behind it.

VP: What do you mean you lost it?
MAN: It was on my phone. I was in the club. There were these girls.
I don’t know what happened to it.

VP: Where are the back up files?
MAN: What back up files?
VP: Do you know how embarrassing it will be for this office if those files
aren’t sent by 4:30 today? I could lose my job. 

MAN: I’ve got an idea.
VP: It better be a damn good one.
MAN: I could —

He is cut off by A BUZZ.

RECEPTIONIST: Paul, someone here to see you.
VP: Who is it?
RECEPTIONIST: She says she’s a Developer.
VP: A Developer? That’s not for another 20 minutes.
RECEPTIONIST: She’s here now whenever you’re ready.

The intercom clicks. The VP turns back to the Man.

VP: Just what I need, this, and now a
f&@king Developer who can’t tell time. It never ends.

If you schedule a meeting with me for 2:30 pm and I get a call from reception at 2:10 pm saying you’re here, I hope you brought reading material. You’ll be waiting.

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If you show up ten minutes before an interview it looks punctual, professional, prepared, and probably several other positive adjectives starting with P.

If you show up more than ten minutes early it looks like you’ve got nothing better to do. Well guess what? The hiring manager probably has better things to do and they’re probably doing them as you sit in the waiting room. They don’t need to be interrupted twenty minutes before their next scheduled task.

You don’t want to make a bad first impression.

First impressions are everything. Don’t blow your’s before they’ve even met you.

I know what you’re thinking:

But this is Canada. People are Nice here. We have Beavers and Maple Syrup and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They Understand.

Yes, but this is also Toronto where we have the TTC, The Toronto Maple Leafs and The Don Valley Parkway.

Some people won’t understand.

Why risk it?

The Moral of This Commandment: Be punctual, be professional and if you can impress the manager that is so picky they’re ready to take you out of the running for showing up too early, you’ll be able to impress anyone else.

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