The Fourth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Take Thy Former Employer’s Name in Vain

I get it and I relate.

It was a toxic work environment. You hated your boss. Your manager was having an affair with their director. There was no structure. No one knew what they were doing. You were never given any guidance.

What a terrible place to work.

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We’ve all made bad career decisions. In fact there’s always a 50% chance that any given career decision you make could be a bad one. Don’t let it bog you down.

You’re angry, confused, broken, hurt, confidence shaken, sad. You don’t know what to do. There’s now a blight on your resume that can’t be easily explained away. Did they promise you paradise only for you to show up to a slave ship? Did you one day wake up and decide whatever it is you’re doing just isn’t in your heart anymore? Did you get fired due to a difference of opinion in an environment where personal opinion is not considered an asset?

Guess what? Me too. You’re not alone. You just need to get over it.

I’m not the client. It’s my job to prepare you for the client. So if you need to vent to someone, I’ll happily listen. People are an unpredictable resource. They make mistakes. They don’t think clearly at all times. And even the best judgement is prone to error. Let’s talk about it in a calm, controlled and truthful way.

But remember this, I’m not your personal life coach. If I feel you’re being honest with me and genuinely had a bad work experience through no fault of your own, I’m going to help you find a way to best tailor your story so that the client doesn’t get any bad impressions or wrong ideas.

HOWEVER, let’s make this perfectly clear. If you come into the office and start bitching, complaining about, or hating on any former employer, I’m going to smile, nod, go back to my desk and file your resume in my special bin for people just like you.

Telling a prospective employer that you didn’t like a previous employer is like hooking up with a guy who’s cheating on his girlfriend. If he cheated on her, chances are he’ll cheat on you too. Past behaviour predicts future behaviour. It’s a dumb move.

If you couldn’t get along with people at your last place, you’re probably not going to get along with people at this place and in a year you’ll probably be looking to not get along with people at a different place.

Past Behaviour Predicts Future Behavior

Hiring managers want to see that you not only have the skills and knowledge to do the job, but that you’re going to fit in as part of the team, get along with others, have a good time, and contribute in a meaningful way.

If your past employer pissed you off, treated you like dirt, made you feel worthless in every way imaginable, I’m sorry to hear that. Go home, cry about it, punch a wall, smash a vase, whatever it takes to get it out of your system.


You don’t want to come off as bitter, jealous, unforgiving or grumpy. It’s no coincidence that I’ve never seen a job description that listed any of those traits as requirements. It’s because nobody wants them.

The Moral of This Commandment: No matter what you do, do not say anything negative about a former employer. If you’re feeling angry, betrayed or cast out, those are all perfectly fine human emotions. But not in an interview. As hard as it is to do sometimes, leave it in the past. Look to the future, see that the grass is greener and get over it. No one wants to hire the person who carries around resentment and anger. If you’ve felt it about employer in the past, there’s nothing stopping you from feeling it again, about them. They don’t want that and won’t take the risk.

The Client Interview Ten Commandments

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