I Recruit, Therefore I Am

The Sixth Commandment: Thou Shalt Know Who They Are Meeting With

LinkedIn is my best friend.

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LinkedIn is my soul mate.

LinkedIn completes me.

For one reason.

It connects me to everyone I’m clever enough to search for.

To all those LinkedIn employees who are reading this because I sent them an InMail with the link to this page, look me up. Let’s talk opportunities.

See how easy it is?

So there is no reason for you to not know as much as you possibly can about the person you are interviewing with before sitting down with them.

When you’re on someone’s LinkedIn page, you’re on a hunt for clues that could give you an upper hand in the conversation.

Some of the things you should be looking to uncover:

  • Current job title
  • Length of position
  • Average length of former positions
  • Number of promotions within current company
  •  Professional organizations joined
  • Awards or accolades
  • Education
  • Connections in common
  • Links to publications

Remember, you could be the sixth person this week who the hiring manager has had to go through these questions with. Anything that you can use to help break the ice in an interview will be to your advantage.

See the difference:

Hiring Manager: What makes you want to work for X company?
You: I need a job.


Hiring Manager: What makes you want to work for X company?
You: It’s been a dream of mine since my Western days to work for X company.
Hiring Manager: I went to Western.
You: I saw that, you were in Psychology? Did you ever have Bryant?
Hiring Manager: Only failing grade I’ve ever gotten.

Who do you think got the job?

The Moral of This Commandment: In an age where a few clicks and clever search terms can get you connected with the highest levels of management within the largest organizations in the world, there’s no excuse to not know as much as possible about who you are meeting with before sitting down.

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Mike Lippert

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